
4. Since I have been running S@H, I rarely see my ____.
6. A recovering _______ should be monitored by the Clinic regularly.
8. Posting to newsgroup that shows how many work units you have done.
9. A _____ has been reserved for you at the Clinic
11. One of the things that the S@H program looks for.
13. You are sweating and angry because the server is _____.
14. Person who actually understands how the S@H program works.
16. Where do you go to get help for your S@H addiction?
18. Member of S@H team in Berkeley.
19. If you visit the Clinic, don't bring this with you.
20. Team founders frequently go_____ for members.


1. Alternate place to download work units.
2. A pile of work units that you have stored like nuts for the winter.
3. Where does work unit information come from originally.
5. A person who constantly worries about the number of work units he has done.
6. Add-on program for S@H
7. Faster version of S@H
8. Unruly patients spend a night in the ____.
10. Dangerous manipulation of computer hardware in an effort to run S@H faster.
12. Name of S@H newsgroup.
15. If you post to the S@H message board, you must know this
17. Screensaver version of S@H