Take the Evaluation Quiz and find out if you need to spend some time at Carolyn's Clinic
One to three months Three to six months Over six months Less than one week
2. How many times a day do you log on to a Seti newsgroup?
Over five times a day Three to Five times a day Twice a day Once a day
3. If you can't log onto the Seti at Home server, do you:
say, "No problem, I'll try again tomorrow" Run a work unit that you stored for this type of emergency Try back in an hour Spend hours attempting to connect
4. I check the status of my present work unit:
Never As soon as I get up, during the day and in the middle of the night. Once a day What's a work unit?
5. How much money have you spent on upgrading your computer to run Seti at Home?
None $1 to $100 $100 to $250 Over $250
6. How many additional software programs are you running in conjunction with Seti at Home?
Why would I need additional programs? One Two or more None
7. In order to spend more time at my computer running Seti at Home, I:
hardly see my immediate family eat supper in front of my computer on a tray have installed a catheter use the computer at night when everyone else is in bed
8. My personal Seti at Home statistics:
are meaningless, I only care about the science. are only mildly interesting have caused me to shake uncontrollably when my standing drops are checked daily, whenever I need an ego boost.
9. How many Seti at Home related web sites do you visit a day?
The official Seti at Home web page Two or more related web pages I update my own Seti at Home web page daily all of the above
10. Seti Trivia: Do you know....?
The names of the Seti at Home personnel? Can you name two corporate sponsors? What a Gaussian is? How to find your work unit location on a sky map?